“Create your own method. Don’t depend slavishly on mine. Make up something that will work for you! But keep breaking traditions, I beg you.”- Constantin Stanislavski, theatre practitioner
Stage Director (me)
Hi! I have been teaching and living an international lifestyle for over 20 years now.
I started my career in the UK and then spread my wings and have never been back for more than visits since. I have lived and worked in several international contexts and I understand the phenomenas of culture shock, reverse culture shock and home-sickness! I also understand the transient nature of ex-pat life and how that can impact our young people in both exciting and challenging times.

Hazel Ball BA (Hons), PGCE.

In my career I have held various positions of responsibility and as my specialism is Drama I have tended to lean towards the pastoral support and development of young people. I am passionate about what I do, about exploring the world through the performing arts and about the holistic development of young people. I feel it is incredibly important for our young children to be able to express themselves and take risks in a safe environment knowing that they will not be laughed at or judged but accepted for who and what they are.
I have invested time to try and adapt and develop my skills with the completion of several Life Coaching and Mentoring courses, but nothing can beat the ability to be able to talk to young people, to guide and help them to find the answers they are looking for themselves. I have the compassion and understanding that encourages young people to share their stresses and dreams with me and I can help them find their next stage.
Over the years I have watched how the focus of education has shifted back and forth, but always seeming to put more pressure on our young people through assessments, exams and expectations. I have seen our young people find it difficult to manage their social media use, to make and maintain friendships, to develop real confidence and believe in themselves.
I want to try to change this, I want to help and support our young people. I want to provide learning opportunities for children to develop confidence and team skills from an early age. I want to be the listening ear to those older children who are just finding their feet and exploring their own independence. I want to provide the support and offer skills for young people who are making those more important decisions, who might need help with moving forward and up to the next stage in their lives.
Rather like Stanislavski, I want to keep breaking from the norm, to experiment and learn from the world around me and to help the young people I work with become the best they can be.
Hazel Ball